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Keller Williams Metropolitan

Keller Williams Metropolitan


Mr. Alan Rice

Tara Albert

EnglishGeneral Residential Sales
Heather Althouse

Karen Ayou

Neriah Bachelder

Christopher Baio

Dawn Balcom

Christine Benjamin

Siobhan Bennett

Carroll Berg

Ms. Mary Ellen Berg

Wyatt Berrier

Stacie Berry

Mary Beyor

Ms. Danielle Bissonnette

Gerald Bligh

Mary Bligh

CondominiumsConsultantEnglishEscrow or Settlement AgentGeneral Commercial Sales/LeasingGeneral Residential SalesHome Warrenty SalesManufactured Homes (including Mobile Homes)Multi-Family
Patricia Boksanski

Thomas Bolduc

Kim Bonenfant

Paul Borruso

Kate Bourque

General Residential SalesEnglish
Lisa Brackett

Debbie Brand

Samantha Brizuela

Joseph Brodeur

Sheila Burglund

William Burke III

Brendan Cacciola

Mark Calnan

James Campbell

Michael Caouette

Tina Carroll

Amanda Castillo

Nicole Castro

Cinda Celio

Michael Chapdelaine

Alexander Charland

Jaqueline Chaves

Marisa Chick

Ms. Barbara Chrisafides

Jeffrey Ciccone

Lisa Codair

Chelsy Collins

Meghan Collins

Chad Conte

Deirdre Conway

Mark Cooper

Margaret Coppola

Mr. George Corbi III

Ms. Karen Cormier

General Residential Sales
Grant Cornell

Stephanie Costa

Tyler Costa

Camille Craffey

Cheryl Craig

Tess Crane-Stenslie

Katrina Cremin

Kerri Crowley

Antonio Cunha

Kim Daneault

Jenny Davis

Beth DeCato

Jennifer Delisle

EnglishGeneral Residential SalesSRS
Micah Denner

Lisa Derome

Marcos Diaz

Frank DiDonato

Katty DiGiantommaso

Erin Dinsmoor

Barbara DiVenuti

Paige Doherty

George Drewett

Colleen Dubois

Karen Eafrati

Jeff Eagen

Kathleen Edwards

Briana Enquist

Catherine Erwin

Angelin Espinal

Vincent Eugene

Mariya Fandunyan

Rachael Farley

Chad Fennessey

Stephen Fialli

James Fitzgerald

Jessica Fitzgerald

Monika Flagg

Blakleigh Flaherty

Laura Fucarile

Ms. Elizabeth Furbush

CondominiumsGeneral Residential SalesMulti-Family
Colin Gaffny

Bradley Gagne

Joshua Gagne

General Residential SalesABR®English
Judy Gagne

Marc Gagne

Taylor Gagnon

Ann-Marie Gallant

Laura Gamache

Adam Gannon

Sarah Gatzoulis

Jonathan Gerson

General Residential SalesMulti-FamilyEnglish
Chasen Giroux

Lindsay Giusti

Joseph Glaude

Kelly Goddu

Beth Gomez

Shawn Goodwin

CondominiumsConsultantGeneral Commercial Sales/LeasingGeneral Residential SalesManufactured Homes (including Mobile Homes)Multi-FamilyPhotographerProperty management
Ryan Gordon

Amanda Gotta

Property management
Liz Gould

Virginia Greer

Suzanne Gregson

Candace Grocott

Justin Guarino

Bonnie Guevin

General Commercial Sales/LeasingGeneral Residential SalesMulti-Family
Agen David Hansen

Avril Hardy

Ms. Elise Harnisch

James Harvey

Linda Haytayan

Sarah Heath

General Residential SalesEnglish
David Heeter

Douglas Hill

Drew Hill

Jacinta Howell

Efthemia Hunt

Karen Huot-Dockx

Julia Hurlburt

Ashley Irwin

Sara Isabelle

Marc Janelle

Paul Janelle

Luke Johnson

Pradip Karki

Matthew Keddie

Ms. Andrea Kenney

Hillana Kodi

Michael Koski

Claire LaBarge

ABR®General Residential SalesEnglish
Kristine Lamphere

Nicole Lang

Samantha Lang

David LaPorte

Deborah LaPorte

Kristine LaPorte
Commercial Broker

Richard LaPorte

Christine Lareau

Barbara Larhette

General Residential SalesEnglish
Kevin Learnard

Angela LePine

Jason LePine

Savannah Levasseur

Chelsea Leveille

Niki Loiko

Melissa Lopusiewicz

Brian Luongo

Laurie Lyon

Clara Mannell

Angie Martinez-Rubio

Shawna Mazotas

General Residential SalesEnglish
Michael McCarron

Greg McCarthy

Katherine McCarthy

Richard McCarthy

Ashley McCartney

Louise McCartney

Lauren McCormack

Molleigh McGovern

Joyce McGrath

Twila McInnis

Megan McPhee

Thomas Meade

Georgia Melas

Brandy Mercier

Quinn Mercier

Lauren Michalek

Hannah Mikol

Joshua Miller

Galit Mohel

Michelle Morgan

Bradford Morse

Andrew Moser

Mark Mulcahy

Tracy Murphy Roche

Stephanie Murphy

David Myer

Bojana O'Donnell

Carol O'Donnell

Darvin Ojha

David Orlick

Arthur Ouellette Jr.

Milly Ouellette

Alice Palazzolo

Michelle Palys

EnglishGeneral Residential SalesPhotographerEducation/TrainingCondominiums
Sudip Pant

Jessica Perry

Robert Perry

Kyle Pettit

Aaron Phinney

Kayla Phinney

Jennifer Pinkham

ABR®EnglishGeneral Residential Sales
Amanda Plecinoga

Sarah Poire

TJ Potter

Barbara Potvin

Gregory Powers

Robert Powers III

Gregory Proulx

Nicole Quinn

Thomas Quinn Jr.

Nick Regan

General Residential SalesEnglish
Vincent Regan

Michael Rennie

Kim Ricard

Jane Riedel

Kellie Risner-Day

G. Timothy Roberto

Amanda Robichaud

Tanya Roux

Jeffrey Rupert

Mrs. Jennifer Ryan

Ms. Jayne Savage

Jodi Savage-Feinauer

Lisa Scacchi

Brian Schilz

Louis Schwartz

Sarah Shawver

William Sheehan

Stephanie Shively

Bruce Silva

Caitlin Snyder

Valerie Soucy

Greg Sowa

Karin Sowa

Meredith Sterling

Te-Ana Stiasny

Kris Stone

Shannon Stone

Sharon Strickler

Isaac Swain

Robert Sweeney II

Kenneth Tassey

Daragh Taylor

Amber Tomlin

Gladys Towne

Brittany Traverse

D'Ann True

Cinthia Ulloa

Samantha Valliancourt

Kyle Valliere

Brett Vaughn

Caroline Verow

Mary Viens

Michael Vigneault

Thomas Villemure

Sandra Wade

Sarah Walazek

Tony Wallis

Christopher Ware

General Residential Sales
Lynne Ware

General Residential Sales
Sean Waters

William Weidacher

Mr Steven Wendorf

Kevin Wesson

GRIGeneral Residential SalesMulti-FamilyEnglish
Kristi Whitten

Jacqueline Wozniak

Karen Wu

Peter Zamachaj

Crystallee Zielinski

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